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At Simple, we want to
give artists the
opportunity to show
their talent to the
world and get paid
for it. 🚀


How does it work?

It is simple!

Film the artistic process showing a tutorial of your art. Make a video editing with it. Videos should last at least 1 minute to get monetized. Videos that last over 3 minutes get a higher CPM and generate more revenue. Good lighting and framing are essential for good video performance. Once the video has been received, we add royalty-free music, the page logo, and a voice over/subtitles to it.

We share it as quickly as possible on our Facebook page "Simple" (usually within 24 hours). You will get notified as soon as it is live, and then you can use that content freely.

Videos are monetized and generate advertising revenue.  We offer 30% revenue share for artists. It means that, every month, you will get 30% of all the revenue that your content have generated on the "Simple" Facebook page during the previous month. You will get credited in the comments.


!!! The most important point: We ask to have the priority on the first publication of the videos. We cannot post any footage that has already been published on your social platforms or anywhere else on the internet beforehand. As soon as we publish your content, you are free to use it as you usually do on your own networks.

If we work that way, it is because we have no other choice.

Facebook is an incredibly tough platform to work with for media publishing companies like us. They do not allow us to publish any content that already exist on the internet.



Where should I send the video to?

You can send the video via the website to the following email address:



How will I get paid?

The payment is made at the end of the month following the publication of the videos. Usually around the 25th of each month.

(Example: around the 25th of April for the videos published in March).



Will I get a receipt/invoice?

Every month, we generate a self-billing invoice (stating your 30% revenue share) that we can send your way if you need it for your accountability. Just ask for it right after you get your payment.



Can I get more than 30%?

The 30/70 revenue share deal is our only way of collaborating.

We work this way with every artist.



Why not more than 30%?

Simple is one of the very few Facebook pages to offer a revenue share

Simple offers free exposure and easy extra money

to artists by showcasing their work on its powerful platform that took years (since 2016) of hard work to build.

Simple is a company based in Belgium with a team of employees who makes this collaboration possible.



How can I make sure my 30% revenue share is what you say it is?

We are very transparent. Every 15th of each month, we share the statistics of each of your videos posted on the page during the previous month and we calculate the 30% revenue that you will get from them.



How much can I expect earning per month?

Some of our regular artists make a living out of our collaboration.

Obviously, the more regular you are, the more revenue your videos will generate. Although, a very good video can go viral very easily and a lot of revenue can be generated all at once.




How does the monetization on Facebook work (RPM/CPM/VIEWS/EARNINGS)?

Everything is based on the monetizable view RPM. What's the RPM?: the revenue generated through ads for every 1,000 views of at least 1 minute of a video. RPM varies a lot everyday, it can go from 0,30$ to 3$ and more for every 1,000 views of 1 minute.

Usually when a video get 1 million views, it means than half of the viewers have watched at least 1 minute of the video. So approximately 500.000 views of 1 minute. Depending on the RPM that day, the revenue that this 1 million view video could generate will vary between 300S to 3000$ and even more.

What influence the RPM? So many things ! High quality content usually have a higher RPM. But is also depends on who watch the video. Exemple: If a video is watched mainly by viewers from the U.S., the RPM will be higher. If a video is watched mainly by viewers from India, then the RPM will be lower. And we cannot decide who watch the videos.



What if my videos get views after you close the month on the 15th?

Usually, on Facebook, videos stop making/or/make very little views after 1 or 2 weeks.

So this is why we close the month every 15th for all the videos posted in the previous month so that we can calculate your earnings.

(exemple: on the 15th of April for all the videos posted in March) For instance, if we post one of your videos at the end of a month, it still has 2 weeks to make its view and earnings. So no worries!



Can I send content that I have already uploaded on the internet?

No. We ask to have the priority on the first publication of the video. The whole video has to be new and never posted on the internet before. We will not post any content that has already been published anywhere on the internet beforehand.

!!! Even if we publish a video with only a few seconds in it that are unoriginal, Facebook will consider the whole video as being unoriginal. Meaning, that we can get in trouble just because of that.

It is important that 1000% of the video, every second of it, has never been published anywhere on the internet before we post it on the Simple page.



How will I get credited?

In the comments section. We can add as many links as you want, just let us know!



How many videos should I deliver per month?

As you want, no pressure! There are no obligations or restreints.

And you can stop sending us videos whenever you want.

You are totally free to come ang go, and come back of course!



Do you want me to create specific content for the page?

No, do not change anything at your usual "routine". If we have contacted you, it is because we love what you do as it is!



In which format should the videos be?

In a square format. If you don't usually use a square format for your videos, it is fine, send the content as it is and we will make it fit.



Should I add music or my logo on the videos?

We will add a music and the credit ourselves.



What lenght should the videos be?

Videos should last at least 1 minute to get monetized. Videos that last over 3 minutes get a higher CPM and generate more revenue. We can make compilation of shorter clips to reach 3 minutes. This is all up to you.



How long should I wait before uploading my video on my own social networks?

Ideally one hour after the video is published on the page.



Will you upload and monetize my videos on other so platforms?

Only on our Facebook page!



How quick are you to publish the content after it has been sent your way?

Very quick! Expect your video to be posted in the next 24-48 hours.



Who owns the videos in the end?

You only give the page "Simple" the rights to share your videos on its Facebook page. It means that the videos themselves are still yours and will always stay yours no matter what. We only ask to have the priority on the first publication of the content, not the exclusivity on the content itself.



When shall we start?

Whenever you are ready.



What are the first steps to get started?

Tell us via Instagram (@simplethepage or@simple.symphony) that you are good to go!

As soon as you have brand new content ready, send it via to our email address

Once received, we will review the content and if everything is OK, we will post it asap on the Facebook page.

We will get back to you on the 15th of the next month (each month), and share the statistics of every videos posted from you on the page the month before. We will then proceed to the payment around the 25th of that month (each month).



Will you share my content multiple times ?

Yes! When a video performs well on the page, we always share it multiple times to get the best results out of it. We also share the same videos multiple times if they have not performed as well as they should have in the first place.

Having said that, it means that you will get 30% from all the revenue that your videos generate, even when we share them multiple times.



Who should I contact if I have any questions or inquiries?

Contact us via Instagram (@simplethepage or

@simple.symphony), we are very reactive and always happy to help!




Why not give it a try
and see how it goes ! 😃

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